Category Archives: Drinks

instant spiced tea mix

Looking Back: Originally posted on Oct 31, 2012.

Original text:

I don’t know what possessed me to try to be creative, but I think it turned out all right!  I signed up to be a vendor at a local Christmas Bazaar here and created these jars:

It was fun to shop for the pieces with my mom and also to have a mom that owned a glue gun.  Heh.

The bazaar is going on this weekend (starting tomorrow!) so if you’d like to stop by and see all the other awesome items being sold, you can find the details on .  You might have to scroll down a little. :)

 gives an amazing flavor of Christmas.  Find it  if you’d like to create it yourself!

banana brunch punch

Looking Back: Originally posted on Sept 25, 2010.

I helped my mom put on a brunch a few years ago (okay, she probably did most of the work because it was her party, but I assisted a little!) and it was a lot of fun.

This punch is one thing we served and it was a hit. Other friends have since used the recipe and it’s always popular!

Print the recipe .