Tag Archives: black pepper

seasoned oyster crackers

Looking Back: Originally posted on Oct 2, 2013.

Original Post:

Having something in your kitchen that you can only get in another country ensures you use every last drop or crumb… We had a half-finished bag of oyster crackers I had brought back from the States and, while I haven’t been to every store in Ecuador, I haven’t seen them here.

I had read several different “seasoned oyster cracker” recipes once and then a few weeks later {when my oven temporarily worked heh} just sorta made up my own based on what I already had in the kitchen. I seriously loved it. And I think so did Mike.


I can’t try any more combinations of seasoning ideas since I don’t have any more crackers, so if you do something yourself, let me know of any good turnouts!

herbed wild rice

Looking Back: Originally posted on Mar 24, 2012.

Original post:

As I’m sitting on my couch trying to stay awake, I thought I’d share another recipe with you.  The hubby comes home from warm, sultry Atlanta in a bit.  Fortunately, we live close enough to the airport, I can just leave when he lands.

Anyway, the recipe!  It was a couple days before a long-planned potluck was upon us that I even realized, “oh, I need to make something for that…”  I went to work trying to figure out what I could make that would keep since I had to be at a rehearsal 2 hours before the dinner began.  Then it hit me – duh, the crock pot!

Scattered throughout all my cookbooks are, of course, many slow cooker recipes.  However, my favorite is a whole  magazine devoted to a range of slow cooker recipes.  And, me being me, I can hardly stand repeating recipes so I went on a hunt for a new one.  Obviously, I landed on this wild rice dish.  It was ridiculously easy to prepare and had good responses from the eaters, so high five to !  This one is a keeper.


gluten-free bread crumbs

Looking Back: Originally posted on Apr 15, 2012.

It makes me chuckle that I even posted this a couple years ago, but here it is – the easiest one-ingredient recipe ever!

If you want a more consistent color, cut off the crusts before processing. I didn’t want to waste…

I used this for a topping on a wonderful gluten-free tomato basil soup, but the ideas are quite endless.

For the recipe and a few different seasoning variations, .

(From 125 Gluten-Free Vegetarian Recipes by Carol Feuster, Ph.D.)

roasted pumpkin seeds

Looking Back: Originally posted on Nov 5, 2010.

So, this was one of my most popular posts of all time. It was even featured on another  and I just had a lot of response! That makes it the most fun – when you make people happy with food you’ve created. :)

We even kept a tally in the house with all friends & family that came to visit over the next few days. I was curious to see which was the favorite flavor of these six recipes I created. Number Six won by a landslide… though that didn’t stop people from gobbling up the others!

You can print the six recipes by . I kept the portions small so you can make a variety of flavors if you want!