Tag Archives: crackers

whole wheat “easy cheesy” crackers

It may seem obvious but the motto of cracker making should be “the thinner the better.” I’ve made various cracker recipes that perhaps will eventually make it to the blog, but here’s one that we really liked! We even ate the “too thick” ones.

I did one batch in pretty flower shapes and then said, “Forget this!” and moved on to the efficient method. :)

Of course, the USA is the ruling nation on variety, right? 50 different types of everything on the shelves. Well, in Ecuador we don’t have that and that’s okay…but every once in a while I miss things likes Triscuits, Wheat Thins, etc. So, hello! Make your own variety!

This really is an easy recipe (at any elevation) in the whole line of cracker recipes, so give it a try…


seasoned oyster crackers

Looking Back: Originally posted on Oct 2, 2013.

Original Post:

Having something in your kitchen that you can only get in another country ensures you use every last drop or crumb… We had a half-finished bag of oyster crackers I had brought back from the States and, while I haven’t been to every store in Ecuador, I haven’t seen them here.

I had read several different “seasoned oyster cracker” recipes once and then a few weeks later {when my oven temporarily worked heh} just sorta made up my own based on what I already had in the kitchen. I seriously loved it. And I think so did Mike.


I can’t try any more combinations of seasoning ideas since I don’t have any more crackers, so if you do something yourself, let me know of any good turnouts!

zucchini relish

Looking Back: Originally posted on Nov 4, 2011.

Original Text:

Are you a canner?  Are you starting to dip into all those fresh summer veggies you canned a few months ago?

Well, me…I’m just dipping into other peoples’ veggies.  :)

My mother-in-law makes great zucchini relish and we’ve gone through a couple jars already!  You can print the recipe  and let me know what you use it on.  Here are a couple of our favorites…


whole wheat goldfish crackers

Looking Back: Originally posted on Nov. 7, 2011

Now THESE bring back memories, my goodness! It’s already been 2.5 years since my friend, Courtney, and I made these and shared them on the blog. It was fun to go back and remember… but it also made me miss my little fishy cracker cutter! Hope it’s safely in storage somewhere in the States…

From the original post:

Back in March, my friend Courtney and I were chatting about one of our favorite food bloggers and, in particular, about one of her posts – .  We had identical initial reactions…”Who in the world has tiny fish cookie cutters?!” 

A few weeks later I had to buy some ingredients online for a “hired cake pop job” and decided to get them from the same website as SK’s goldfish cookie cutter!  I ordered my sprinkles and my fishie and couldn’t wait to show Courtney what I had done. haha.

Well, us being us, our schedules clashed until the very end of the summer.  Alas, we were able to meet and make cute little fishies!  She bought another cutter of a slightly different shape so we had two breeds.

Seriously, you have to make these.  They really taste like goldfish crackers!

Here is the 
Better print it now just in case…