Category Archives: Sides: Veggies

herbed wild rice

Looking Back: Originally posted on Mar 24, 2012.

Original post:

As I’m sitting on my couch trying to stay awake, I thought I’d share another recipe with you.  The hubby comes home from warm, sultry Atlanta in a bit.  Fortunately, we live close enough to the airport, I can just leave when he lands.

Anyway, the recipe!  It was a couple days before a long-planned potluck was upon us that I even realized, “oh, I need to make something for that…”  I went to work trying to figure out what I could make that would keep since I had to be at a rehearsal 2 hours before the dinner began.  Then it hit me – duh, the crock pot!

Scattered throughout all my cookbooks are, of course, many slow cooker recipes.  However, my favorite is a whole  magazine devoted to a range of slow cooker recipes.  And, me being me, I can hardly stand repeating recipes so I went on a hunt for a new one.  Obviously, I landed on this wild rice dish.  It was ridiculously easy to prepare and had good responses from the eaters, so high five to !  This one is a keeper.



Looking Back: Originally posted on Feb 25, 2011.

This cornbread was very moist. Surprisingly so!

It was the first recipe I cooked from the A Taste of Oregon cookbook we received for our wedding and, in Mike’s words, “didn’t taste like any cornbread he’d ever had before.”

It’s sweeter than most but the refreshing part of it was that it didn’t taste like you were putting a spoonful of dry bread crumbs into your mouth.


P.S. Does it also work at 9800 feet elevation? Yes, it does!