Tag Archives: kosher salt

seasoned oyster crackers

Looking Back: Originally posted on Oct 2, 2013.

Original Post:

Having something in your kitchen that you can only get in another country ensures you use every last drop or crumb… We had a half-finished bag of oyster crackers I had brought back from the States and, while I haven’t been to every store in Ecuador, I haven’t seen them here.

I had read several different “seasoned oyster cracker” recipes once and then a few weeks later {when my oven temporarily worked heh} just sorta made up my own based on what I already had in the kitchen. I seriously loved it. And I think so did Mike.


I can’t try any more combinations of seasoning ideas since I don’t have any more crackers, so if you do something yourself, let me know of any good turnouts!

honey & rosemary brined turkey

Looking Back: Originally posted on Dec 27, 2011.

A few years ago we stayed at my parents’ house for the weekend of Christmas so it was a lovely thing to use their beautiful kitchen!

I was in charge of the turkey and I can’t believe this is the only photo we got of it! But you get the idea…

I did not alter anything from they shared on their website (besides not making the gravy they included).
