Tag Archives: travel

perfect pumpkin cookie

Looking Back: Originally posted on Dec 18, 2010.

If you followed this blog back in 2010, you’ll remember how crazy I went with pumpkins! I cooked up a bunch and used it to make all sorts of cookies, muffins, bread and more.


When a I followed posted , I immediately saved the recipe and ta-da, have now shared it with you. I remember actually making them in my Grandma’s house in Idaho. Let me tell you, it’s harder to cook in someone else’s kitchen than I had originally thought! But it was enjoyable.

Print the recipe  (just slightly adapted from ).

fresh start

I’ve had an itch for a long time.

And I’ve decided to scratch it.

Hi, my name is Sydney Drinkwater and the Drinkwater Kitchen is officially open for business once again!

{{insert audience applause audio}}

Much much much has happened in my life since I last blogged for the DK – the biggest events being we moved to another country and had a baby! I officially stepped down from my full-time accounting position and am still finding it hard to believe I am a stay-at-home mama. What a change of lifestyle after always working “outside the home”!

I’m not sure what shape this new version of the DK will take, but I do know it will be diverting. It began over 4 years ago as a “learning to cook” blog, but I have definitely made a few dishes since then!

Sure, food blogging is old news. Everyone blogs, right? That’s all right. I know there’s not much new under the sun, but it is still amusing. I enjoy sharing recipes, discovering new ways to do things in the kitchen, hosting dinner parties & making people happy with food. I’m not the best photographer nor am I a profoundly articulate writer… but I’m still going to have fun on here.  :)

P.S. If you are wondering about old posts, I am going to occasionally share items I wrote about in the past. I just wanted to start fresh! Thanks for joining me!