pumpkin cake pops

Looking Back: Originally posted on Oct 11, 2010.

I sure was cake pop crazy back a few years ago! These ones I copied from , but I’d bet they tasted just as divine.

Spearmint tic tacs didn’t appeal to me as a flavor/texture I wanted to include in my cake pop experience, so Mike & I went to the candy store. He found the perfect solution, which I humbly say looks more stem-like than Bakerella’s! Apple-flavored licorice – it’s even a “fall” flavor. ;)

Cake pops take a small eternity to make, so you better make a lot of them and then share them… Several dozen of these went to a big party (with zero photos!), but I managed to save a basketful for some close friends we saw the next evening.

Make sure you check out  for better instructions on how to make them. She’s the creator and pro!

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