Tag Archives: Worcestershire sauce

philly cheese pot roast sandwiches

Looking Back: Originally posted on May 18, 2013.

During the 8(ish)-month stint of a broken oven last year, I used my crockpot like a crazy lady. This was one of our very favorite recipes during that time.

Just re-sharing this is making me want to make this again soon…

The printable recipe is !

roasted pumpkin seeds

Looking Back: Originally posted on Nov 5, 2010.

So, this was one of my most popular posts of all time. It was even featured on another  and I just had a lot of response! That makes it the most fun – when you make people happy with food you’ve created. :)

We even kept a tally in the house with all friends & family that came to visit over the next few days. I was curious to see which was the favorite flavor of these six recipes I created. Number Six won by a landslide… though that didn’t stop people from gobbling up the others!

You can print the six recipes by . I kept the portions small so you can make a variety of flavors if you want!